Monday, November 15, 2010

Brandan and Adam Zettler will be in Osaka, Japan, on the 11th and 12th of December

I highly recommend making the trip to Osaka to train with the twins. While in Toronto, I was lucky enough to take part in a small seminar that they conducted at the new Systema Headquarters. On the DVD's, they look impressive but when you get the chance to train with them you'll be even more astounded. They have a deep knowledge of Systema and, to go with that, they're excellent teachers who are patient and humble. And of course, they are great guys. I gained some valuable insights from training with them and I'm sure you will to.

Please read what Ryo Onishi, Systema Osaka Head Instructor and organizer, has to say about the upcoming seminar:

Systema Osaka proudly presents the first ever Asian seminar with Systema twins, Adam & Brendan Zettler!

In Japan last March we were lucky enough to have Brendon come and visit us from Toronto and conduct an amazing seminar. The whole thing was such a great resounding success that, due to popular demand, he has had no ...choice but to come back!!!

This time however he's not alone-- if one Zettler could blow your mind imagine what two could do!!So yes, we are doubly blessed this year since both Brendon and his twin brother Adam will be coming to Osaka, Japan, and teaching a 2 day seminar!

This not-to-be-missed event is taking place on the weekend of December 11th and 12th, 2010.

The main theme of the weekend will be sensitivity work, under which umbrella Brendon and Adam will explore various approaches and cover numerous aspects of conditioning, and knife work. They will be providing useful insight and valuable drills, including an assortment of paired/team exercises, and the ever beneficial supplementary practise of Systema breathing and it's health, massage applications, etc.

Both Adam&Brendon have a long-standing involvement with Systema and have personally, and intensely trained and been certified by Vladimir Vasiliev at the Systema Headquarters in Toronto.

Great all-rounders, both Adam&Brendon are highly skilled at presenting all the Systema elements both through their comprehensive teachings as well as their spectacular demonstrations.

Anyone with Systema DVDs will probably already have seen them in action, they featured in Vladimir Vasiliev’s instructional, best selling DVDs ‘Beat the Odds’,‘Dynamic Joint Breaks’ ‘Russian Stick Combat’ 'KNIFE Unconditional Mastery' ''Movement and precision' 'as well as the latest release, "Breathwork and combat' .

Th source of this information is:!/note.php?note_id=497938066404&id=576166855

For more information, please go Ryo Onishi's (Systema Osaka's Head Instructor) website:

Or email Ryo at this email address for more information 

新着情報   システマ大阪主催 
5回 シニア・インストラクター・セミナー !≫


アダム&ブレンダンは、トロントでヴラディミアのもと練習を積み、昨今発売されたシステマDVDBeat the Odds, Dynamic Joint Break, Stick Combat, Movement and Precision, Knife ~unconditional mastery~から最新のBreathwork and Combatまで、ゼットラー兄弟がマスターの受けを努めないことはないほどマスターからの信頼度は絶大なものがあります。システマの仲間たちの間では“若きヴラディミア”とさえ呼ばれている二人です。今回のセミナーはヴラディミアからの推薦で実現したシニアインストラクターが二人同時に来日する日本では初めてのセミナーです。この機会をお見逃しなく!


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