1) Inhale and stretch the body in different ways while putting tension into the body. On the exhale, you completely relax. This is like when you're waking up in the morning.
2) Lying down on the front - using only the shoulders to move forwards, backwards and sideways. This was also done on the back.
3) Again lying on the front, we used the chest and extension of the spine to move ourselves forwards and backwards. This reminds me a little of a caterpillar moving.
4) On the front and back, using onlythe legs to move forwards, backwards and sideways.
5) On the back, using only the legs to move in a circle. This was done clockwise and anti-clockwise.
6) Lying on the front - grab the ankles and move forwards, backwards and sideways.
7) Same position but this time rollling over from the front sideways into a shoulder bridge position and then back again.
8) Sitting on the floor on our hips with our upper bodies and legs off the floor, we moved forwards and bacwards by using the hips. We moved sideways by jumping using the hips.
9) Lying on our fronts with our upper bodies and legs off the floor, we moved forwards and backwards using our hips to move. This comes from Martin Wheeler's New DVD The Secrets of Systema Ground Fighting.
10) Lying on our backs with our hands clasped behind us, we moved up to a shoulder bridge position, moved to the right onto the shoulder trying to keep our body off the floor. From here, bringing the leg underneath, we turned over onto our chest still keeping our body off the floor. We then moved to the left onto the left shoulder, with the body off the floor, and then returned to the shoulder bridge position. This was done in both directions.
11) Holding hands with a partner and doing front and back rolls. This was done with both people facing the same way and opposite ways.
12) In groups of three, each partner linked elbows with each other so that they were kind of back to back.
All three were linked together and then they lay on the gound and rolled over each other. This looked something like and Tank's tracks moving. This is a very fun drill.
13) In pairs, they lay on the ground and Partner 1 (P1) and Partner 2 (P2) put each other in a head lock. P1, whose on the bottom, then pulls P2 over so that P2 is then on the bottom. P2 then does the same thing. This is a drill that Daniel Ryabko taught at the Masters in Japan Seminar in 2007.
14) P1 then got on their hands and knees and P2 did rolls over them and moved through P1's limbs in a variety of ways.
15) P1 lay on P2 and did spindles on them. This looked like somebody using a rolling pin to flatten dough. This drill was done to get both people used to contact and to promote breathing and relaxation.
16) P1 lay on P2 and P2 used their hands and body to escape slowly from underneath P1. P1 just had to relax on top and allow P2 to escape. It was important not just to use the hands but using the hands while moving the body.
17) P2 lay on top of P1 and P1 moves around on the bottem using a variety of actions while P2 tries to remain on top of P1. P1 was not trying to escape but just move around and give P2 to learn how tro remain on top using different movements. It was almost like body surfing. It was important to just relax, keep the majority of you weight on the partner and feel their movement.
18) P2 lay on top of P1 and P1 tries to escape while P2 tries to stay on top. This was done slowly and without competition. This was a learning experience. Breathing, relaxation, form and movement were focused on in this exercise.
19) P1 slowly twists and extends P2's joints (wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, hips, knees and ankles). P2 feels the tension in these body parts and then slightly moves to relax the tension and then P1 puts tension into them once again.
20) In groups of fives, P1 was in the middle while P2, P3, P4 and P5 slowly twisted and extended their joints as before. It's important for P1 to breath, relax, move and stay calm. The purpose of this drill was to help P1 to relax in this extreme drill and not to put too much tension into them or make them fearful.
21) P1 slowly twists and extends P2's joints, puts tension into them and changes their form. P2 breaths, relaxes, keeps their form and escapes by moving. This was done with more movement than in Exercise 19.
22) P1 did the same thing to P2 but this time P2 escaped and then affected P1's joints by doing the same thing to them. After P2 did the reversal, P1 then twisted and extended their joints and changed their form again.
23) P1 and P2 then did the same thing but one for one. P1 put a lock on P2, P2 escaped and did something on P1 and P1 escaped and did the same thing.
24) The above work was then done with ground wrestling but slowly. This was not about competition but learning.
25) Push Ups, Squats, Sit Ups and Leg Raises - Ten Slow repetitions each.
26) Circle Up
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